I am a girl like the others (bloopers #1)

In 3 years of blogging, I accumulated tons of photos. Obviously, on the blog, I show you only those crossed under my selection, after small modifications of the light and contrast. The rest remains tidied up in the application “Photos”, to disappear every time I do a new photoshoot.

Nevertheless, among these forgotten photos, some pearls throne and deserve to be under the spotlights. Strange poses, faces, laughter … No, to be blogger is not to be photogenic on all the photos, quite the opposite! The proof with this selection of Grand Cru which is worth me my first bloopers on the blog.

When you try a new pose but it just ending weird
I have drunk a bit tooo much of red wine zis lunch
When people say hello to you so you answer them
F*ck it’s cold out there !
Hello double Chin !
Ho ho ho, well we have tons of fun !
When you try to act sexy… but you have greasy hair
Thriller remake on the beach


How do you find my armpits ?

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