Nits magiques : a magical night on the terrace of Casa Batlló !

Yesterday night, I had an exceptional chance to do something I would have never imagined : to go tho the Casa Batlló by night for a concert and private cocktail !

What is Casa Batlló? If you don’t know, it is a modernist house Gaudi conceived at the beginning of the 20th century. Located on Passiez de Gracia in Barcelona, it is an major passage for every fan of architecture who stays a long weekend in the city. The big inconvenience of this museum? Its price ! And yes, besides being crowded all the time, the entrance is around 25-30 euros. For a student like me, that was always a strong point preventing me from going there.

So, when I was invited by a friend at Nits Magiques (at magic Nights in Catalan, there is no typing error!), I jumped at the opportunity to discover this magnificent place! The program was: classic concert, champagne and martini, as well as a really magic place and a breathtaking view…
For this golden opportunity, I embarked of course my camera with me to get you the atmosphere and re-share it to you. On my story Instagram, you were able to see short extracts of the concert : here you see the atmosphere ! Little fashion break : my dress comes from Stradivarius, but I bought her second hand (but however great) at Humana, a chain of stores as Oxfam which is trendy in Barcelona. I think this is going to be one of my fav place for good deals !
Whatever, this evening will remain engraved in my memory, and I look forward to being able to share with you other events from Barcelona! Have a good weekend!

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