La vie à Barcelone : mon université & autres anecdotes
mon université est située toute près du Tibidabo, sur la Ronda de Dalt. De sa cour, on peut ainsi admirer (ou presque) une vue imprenable sur la ville. Nommée Abat Oliba, mon université est une université catholique. Elle propose des licences de droit, économies, sciences politiques mais on m’a dit qu’elle était une des seule à proposer un cursus de journalisme vraiment complet.

Hello everyone!
After a short break in my articles about Barcelona, to unveil my new column, I come back today to continue to tell you about my journey .A promise due, I will talk today about my university. Located in the hills above Barcelona, my university is located near all of Tibidabo, on the Ronda de Dalt. From its court, one can admire (or almost) a breathtaking view of the city. Named Abat Oliba , my university is a Catholic university. It offers licenses of right, economies, political science, but was told it was the only one to offer a truly comprehensive curriculum of journalism.
And indeed, in my university are a real television and radio studios… The first encounter with these two places was really exciting and impressive !
Architecturally speaking, the university is simply divine. Catholic, it includes within it a church …. but seen from the outside, the whole building seems to be one (church) ! Large windows allow light to enter, the external architecture is warm, clean, and tidy and in the interior are large windows and marble. It really is a beautiful building.
The university itself is quite small, but this way, there is less likely to get lost!(The only inconvenient to me would be that it is located in the hills, and thus that it is poorly served (by transports). Additionally, if you miss a bus , you have to walk 25 to 30 minutes …. in streets whose rise is about 20 ° ! I wouldn’t say in what state you arrive at the university when it happens to you : hyper hard thighs, sweaty and breathless !)
As Erasmus , I must validate 30 credits. So I took 5 subjects, each worth 6 credits : Economic environment (in english), Fundamentos de la comunicación audiovisual, Analisis del lenguaje (kind of philosophy / sociology), Political Propaganda ( a sociological study & political speeches and political texts ) and Historia y Sociedad. As you can see, only one of my classes is in English, the rest being in Spanish. I confess that at first the change was radical and hard enough, but now I understand everything, and when I have doubts, I do not hesitate to ask questions. Note taking is also facilitated by the fact that we are entitled to computers …. then I put my Word in Spanish and mistakes are corrected by themselves ! Nevertheless , I often sit next to a Spanish student to « copy » its notes, because I often miss phrases or do not succeed in finding the words of the teacher.
As for work, I often reread my progress to remembering them and then they print more easily into my brain …. because learning a course in another language, this is not really spontaneous ! For now, we do not have a lot of homework, but teachers are already asking us to read books … which mostly are not edited! Their research is a puzzle and reading really takes time, but well. I’m not here to bask in the sun !
Finally, one » quack » can be mentioned : in political propaganda, the teacher made her lectures on power point, which is really good not to miss an important point of the course. However, they are not written in Castilian but in Catalan ! And she does not want to traduce them all. She does it in oral, but it’s really difficult to quickly note what she says without tangling brushes, miss a word, or make spelling mistakes. Fortunately I have some Spanish friends to help me translate (or google translate !) .
Here was all concerning my courses ! Finally, the real work is just beginning …. I would surely complain about it in a few months , haha !I think I said everything on my university …. waiting for other items from my Barcelonan adventures, I leave you with some pictures with anecdotes !