My birthday wishlist for my 25 years old

I can’t believe I am turning 25! The big “quarter of a century” is coming soon, but meanwhile, I am preparing doing my traditional birthday wishlist. Far away the thought of ordering gifts like a kid to Santa Claus, but I know my relatives always ask me for ideas, so here they are! And if it can inspire you, even better!

A new pair Ray-ban Clubmaster Mirror

I was the lucky owner of a pair of those gorgeous sunglasses until my Dory fish memory comes in and I looses them. Forgotten somewhere, stolen or just lost, I will never know the end of the story, but after a year looking for them everywhere, I had to resign and I am asking them for my 25 years old, again! Even though I know it is an investment, I know it will be a useful gift (that I promise to keep longer than the ex ones!).

Price : approx. 100€

An analog camera photoshoot

I juste had one that I already want to strat again! I shot with Alexandra Chistova, a russian photographer, with an analog camera for the first and I was bluffed with the result. I love the vintage finition and the fact that the photo is made in “one shot” without being seen by the model: it’s scarying and exciting, but I pushed me to trust her a lot and do pauses I wouldn’t have tried! Hence the mood: again, please!

Price : 70€

The opportunity to travel

In 2019, my thirst for travels gets bigger and I wanna see the whole world. Even though I am saving every month to travel and invest more into experiences than clothes, I would be thrilled to have more resources to live those new adventures.

Going to Thailand end of February and coming back to New York with my twin sister this summer, this would allow me to do fun activities in those incredible places!

Price : not fixed

Stuff to help me going zero waste

Ingredients to create my own laundry soap, solid shampoo, kit to do my own cosmetics or to wash my dishes with no waste, bees wrap for the kitchen… My path to zero waste is long and I wish I could receive some help for my birthday. This would make me very happy, plus it would be a very useful gift!

Price : from 5 €

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