5 years of blogging

5 years ago, on November 21rst 2013, I was posting my first blog post, a fall outfit of the day. I was wearing a purple dress, wrapped in by a big coat and scarf. I was presenting this look as an alternative to burgundy and I was posing in the backyard of my student location, between weeds and gardening tools. In the article, I was shyly writing my first opinions as a fashion blogger. 5 years later, here I am, blogging since Barcelona and making web content my job.

How did 5 years of blogging change me?

So many things happened in 5 years! In 5 years of blogging, I took ten billions of photos, became a better photographer and model, affirmed my fashion style; I doubted, stopped the blog and took it again; I had successes and failures; I met many people; beautiful ones such as worse ones, and went through life changing experiences. Yes, blogging remains a hobby to me, a passion, but a longtime passion that had much more influence on my life than I would have ever thought.

As I blog on my spare time, every new year is a challenge. Will I have the time to blog as I wish to? Will I have new exciting projects? Will I have enough inspiration? Every year, I am even more surprised of how much I can dedicate of myself and my time on my blog, and how much I can push it forward. Yes, I have to admit, I am pretty proud to hold it for so long now!

Coming back on my 5th year of blogging

This fifth year of blogging was very special, as I had many projects related to the blog.
First of all, I have been the ambassador of the the French brand of bags C-Oui. I received two bags from them, and a bandana for summertime, and they challenged me to do outfits of the day with their products. pI had never collaborated on the longtime with a brand, and I am so happy I was able to do it with them. C-Oui is a human brand, with the best employees (a thousand thanks Karine for your sympathy), and that gets better at every collection. I am so proud I was able to represent them in 2018, and I hope they’ll find someone that’s worth their cool brand for 2019.

Mid-april, I changed my blog design a first time to refresh it and give it a new identity. My friend Lucie from Tenessees did the change and she created me a real logo and brand identity. Even if my blog isn’t totally the same since then, I am proud I was able to keep this logo that represents me so well!

In may, I met my boyfriend and believe it or not, but my blog was a big asset ! My boyfriend being a web developper, he was impressed I was holding a blog for so long as a hobby, and also liked my content and writing style. Since then, he helps me every day to find new articles ideas, to challenge me to improve it… but he mostly created me from scratch a brand new blog that I am so proud of in October!
Finally, my blog made me meet incredible people here in Barcelona that became true friends: Letizia, Emilie (that made me those super nice photos!), Elsa, et Marie ! 🙂 I will never thank enough my “blogger” status to have allowed me to meet these girls so important in my life right now!

What new projects for this 6th year of blogging?

Now that my blog is brand new, I want to really improve it to make it look really clean and professional. I want to write you interesting and useful content, share with you beautiful photos and do collaborations that are worth it. I still have many ideas to improve it, but I really need time to do them all! With my job that keeps me busy 40h per week, it is still hard sometimes to find time for it… But don’t worry: blogging is a vital need for me that will always come back when I get away from it too much! Whether I share content with you once a week or once every two weeks, I will always find time for blogging.

To conclude this very personal post, I would like to thank you all that are reading me: without you, this blog wouldn’t have the same interest! I know some of you are following me since the beginning and that really touches me: you’ve seen me changing, followed me for all those years… Thank you for your loyalty! I hope I won’t disappoint you on this 6th year of blogging! 😉 Don’t hesitate tell me hi in the comments, and also since how long you’ve been reading me!

Let’s go ahead for my 6th years of blogging, and see you soon for new adventures!

One response to “5 years of blogging”

  1. Guille says:

    I’ve been following you, literally everywhere, since May 😉

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