How to dress up for 30€

Good deals know me ! I must be the cheapest blogger of the blogosphere : my wardrobe is full of clothes bought half their price or super cheap. “No Estelle”, was I told, “you are mostly the queen of good deals !”

This outfit, for instance, only cost me 30€ (70€ with the shoes !). So how did I do ? I tell you my secret !

10€ for the coat :
I found this Kookaï coat in a charity shop, here in Barcelona. It was 20€ on the label and I got it 10€ when I paid. Charity and second hand shops are really a good option to dress up cheaper : prices are broken, there are often new arrivals of clothes, and plus, you do a good action ! Search a bit and you will find super trendy clothes and from awesome brands.

14€ the sweater + 4€ the skirt
I regularly wait for sales to renew a bit my wardrobe, and I never regret it. I bought this lovely Shein sweater during Black Friday, and I had this skirt at the end of summer sales at Pull&Bear. 18€ for the whole outfit, that’s a pretty good deal, no ? Both don’t look cheap and bad quality, and do classy outfits. I generally never do sales wishlists, but go directly in the shops around the end of them : I am never disappointed as I don’t have expectations, and I have the best prices !

2€ the leather bag
My secret for this cute leather bag bought at a ridiculous price ? A kind of vintage charity shop in Nantes ! As said before, charity shops are always full of treasures that can perfectly dress you up or complete your outfit in a unique way. You may never neglect the power of vintage pieces to avoir a rocking outfit !
Bonus : 40€ the shoes