My 10 memorable moments of 2017

It’s already the end of 2017 ! I can’t believe this year is already coming to an end. Between three removals, my breakup, the end of my studies, my loss of weight and tons of new things arriving into my life, tons of things happen to me ! Let’s go back on this year full of emotions.
My breakup
How not to mention my breakup in this article ? I have been dumped the 1rst of January 2017 on a bench in the streets of Madrid. It broke my heart, weakened me physically, crushed me for months…. but also pushed me to accomplish and fulfill dreams I held in store for way too long.
Make a tattoo in Rotterdam and leave the city

I never told you about it here, but I did a tattoo in Rotterdam in January. It was my first, I was scared… and it lasted 3 minutes only ! It didn’t hurt, I was proud, I am still proud of it. Make it Happen is the motto of Rotterdam, a city completely destroyed during the WWII and reconstructed by its inhabitants… Those are also the wise words of my best friend that I won’t ever forget. The lining is my handwriting.
Tons of things happened in Rotterdam in six months of Erasmus. I left the city heartbroken as I loved the city so much, but I was so intensely happy to live there, and to have had the chance to fully discover it by bike, make there wonderful friends, and see so many amazing sunsets and sunrises. Rotterdam will always be my beloved city.

I lived with two boys as roommates

When I came back to Nantes, I had to live with roommates. I found a room in a flat shared with two guys : a premiere for me ! I introduced them to you on the blog in May. I was a bit scared, had some fears, but it went more or less well. I remember from those five months together nights of talking in spanish, mornings of running on the docks, nights of playing guitar and (falsely) singing, of laughing of a weird red jumpsuit, and weird behaviours of my roommates… Everything wasn’t pink, but it was quite fun ! (Hello to you if you come here !)
I did an overdose of work
In Nantes, from january to june, I worked on my master thesis and ended my master. I had to do projects with companies, two intense cycle of classes, and to undergo the stress of finding a graduation internship while constructing and writing my thesis. I have never been that stressed. I ended up abandoning a project because I couldn’t handle it anymore. My mental health was in danger and I felt it, I couldn’t do it anymore or I would explode. It was the first time it arrived, but it was a relief. I finally handed in my master thesis in times, and spent my oral with success : I even have the pride to be one of the best master thesis of my promotion !
Be on the first page of Hellocoton

Leaving Nantes for Barcelona

Living the terrorist attacks of Barcelona
I won’t dwell on the subject, because I already told you how I felt during this special day in this article, but living the terrorist attackes of august 17, in Barcelona, have been one of the most shocking moment of this year. I have from this day contrasted feelings, between anger and profound sadness, fear, and will to keep living the head up.
I discovered Lisbon with girlfriends

I had never been to Portugal, and I first went there in november, during a weekend in Lisbon. I have been amazed by the city and the portuguese culture. In three days, we laughed, cried, walked and ate a lot…. and I lived one of the best weekends of 2017.
Feeling better with my body

In July 2017, I had officially lost 7 kg since the year before. It was liberating. I felt bad in my body for at least 2 years because of this weight I took in a veryd dark moment of my life, and now, I am living again. This summer, I felt good in my swimsuit, good in my short. In Barcelona, I subscribed to a gym club, and I try to go there twice a week. Doing sport unwinds me, makes me gain muscle and energy… and stops making me feel guilty each time I eat a burger !
Devenir égérie pour une marque de sacs à main

The last strong moment of this 2017 year happened just a few days ago. On December 28, I learned I would be the 2018 ambassador of the bag brand C-Oui. I will then embody the brand, receive bags to include them in outfits of the day, and mostly do a mysterious trip to Paris… for which I still dont know much ! I am really excited to live this incredible chance blogging, and you, my readers, gave me. A thousand thanks !
Here it is. 2017 comes to an end. As you have read it, it has been rich in emotions and adventures for me. I hope 2018 will be better and that much surprising. I wish you a wonderful 2018 year, may all your dreams come true, may your projects become reality, and may you be surrounded by friends and love.