What to do at home during a lockdown?

Are you also confined at home with the current coronavirus pandemic situation? Or do you simply want to take precautions and avoid unnecessary travel? I see you coming: like me, you are depressed in advance about not enjoying your city and the blue sky. Tututu! Stay positive, keep your spirits up and repel boredom with these 5 tips!

Take time for YOURSELF

In these scary times of pandemic, it is normal to be afraid, uncertain and frustrated. We are going through a lot of emotions, and for this reason it is essential to refocus on ourselves.

Do your nails, a mask for your face, a mask for your hair (you can even make them to create an extra activity for yourself!), in short, take care of yourself and take time to pamper yourself.

Are you stuck at home with your family? Organize massage sessions for all & make a spa with homemade cosmetics!

Boost your immune system

There’s nothing worse than being depressed and doing nothing at home. Sport is a great activity to keep your mind busy, keep your body in shape and release dopamine and endorphin, two hormones that both boost energy and sexual pleasure (dopamine) and relax you and help you sleep better (endorphin).

Fitness is one of the simplest solutions to keep you busy: all you need is a gym mat and your body! Follow Youtube videos of no-impact routines (no jumping) to prevent your neighbours from hating you, and do routines of 20-40 minutes a day. This will allow you to give yourself a little break and think about something else, but more importantly, it will keep your body in shape even indoors!

You can also practica yoga if you are a yogi lover, or learn it with Youtube videos!


A simple tip but an important one: don’t lock yourself down stayiong all day long in front of screens! Sure, in 2 weeks, you’ll see many series and movies, but you also risk saturating and damaging your eyes.

Take the time to read all those books you haven’t read, or reread your favourite books! Reading allows you to plunge deeper into a universe and thus to change your mind with serenity.

Keep in touch with your beloved ones

One of the most important things about your containment: don’t cut the cord with the outside! Either, you can’t go outside to see your family or friends, but you can always call them, skype or Facetime with them, send them nonsense on Whatsapp, in short, exchange with them to feel less lonely and less far away.

Give yourself challenges

Have you always dreamed of learning the bridge, pear tree or acroyoga? If you practice every day, you may be able to make great progress in two weeks!

Would you like to make recipes from your favorite cookbook or pastry book? Make them and apply yourself to cooking a dish that you want and that challenges you!

Have you always dreamed of writing a novel, opening a Youtube channel, making a painting? Go ahead, launch yourself and occupy your mind with a project that animates and occupies you in the long term.

I hope I’ve cheered you up a bit with my ideas for activities to do on your own time. In this kind of frustrating situation, it’s better to look on the bright side and move forward to make it go faster! Good luck to you all, and take care of yourself.

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