2018 in 5 important moments and my goals for 2019

2019 just arrived, putting an end to this wonderful year of 2018. Last year, I shared with you my 10 strong moments of 2017, and you really liked the concept. So this year, I do it again, for you and for me, as laying down here all those big moments makes me live them again too!

Travelling through Europe, Spain and crossing the Atlantic

Rotterdam in January, San Sebastián in February, Sevilla in March then New York in October… 2018 was a year full of discoveries and travels for me. I had the chance to come back to cities that really marked me (Rotterdam and Sevilla), to discover more Spain with a beautiful weekend in Donostia with my family, but also to realise a dream and disconnect for 8 days in the breathtaking New York City.

Looking for a job – and signing my first long term contract

In March, I began to look for a job as I was at this time in a short term contract. It was the first time I was looking for a job, and it seemed both very similar to my research of internships and harder. This time though, I had more experience, a better international curriculum, but I had to do everything to convince and mostly to be sure of my choices of applications. I had deceptions, moments of doubts and pressure, I had to face the reality of Spain salaries, I had to make difficult choices, but in the end I finally found a new job in May… which was actually a prolongation of my short term contract in my actual company! I couldn’t be happier, and I began my new contract in July, celebrating it with a picnic between colleagues!

Saying goodbye to my long hair

After years of long hair, I decided to cut everything for a very short bob. It took me one night – I ran to every hairdresser of my neighbourhood in El Born- but they were all very expensive. The next day, still obsessed, I went down my work to another cheap one and cut everything. I went out with 10cm of hair out, a new head and a big smile. It may sound stupid, as a “strong” moment, but I can tell you that it definitely changed my style, silhouette, and the way I appeared to people! Since then, I cut again to maintain this length but for 2019, I wouldn’t mind to let them grow again… Let’s see!

Meeting my boyfriend and moving in with him

I am very discrete on my private life here, but if you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen that I was in couple and that I had moved from my flat this summer. 2018 was indeed placed under the sign of Love as I met my boyfriend in May and moved in with him in August. It may seem fast for some people, but it was -and it still is- such an evidence for the both of us. Together, we learn from each other, build common projects, laugh, dream about changing our lives and mostly speak different languages everyday! (He doesn’t speak French). Even if it’s not a “moment” it certainly was the biggest change in my life this year!

Starting yoga

In October, I stopped the gym and challenged me to do yoga. I was curious to start this very specific sport, both physical and mental, but I was also anxious not to “move enough”. After 2 years of fitness, I thought I was going to get bored quickly. However, thanks to my teacher Maéva, I loved it progressively and learned a lot: I discovered a very physical sport, far away from all those “meditation” and slow-easy gesture stereotypes, and discovered a sport both good for mental and health. Little by little, my Tuesday night classes began to be a key rendez-vous into my week, and a crucial help to disconnect. Thanks to my teacher’s patience and passion, I even began to remember the positions and sequences, to repeat them by my own at home. I can’t wait to tell you more about it in a very complete article!

My goals for 2019

You may have understood, 2018 was a very rich and intense year for me, in emotions, travels and experiences, and I can’t wait to live new adventures in 2019. If I don’t plan to take “resolutions” I would like to take “goals”, without pressure but just in order to improve my life a bit this year again. I share them with you today, so it might inspire you!

  • Continuing reducing my waste: I already abandoned cottons and micellar water for a solid makeup remover, kitchen paper for towels in tissue, and I count on keeping this path this year with the adoption of a water purifier (Barcelona water is unfortunately very bad and we have to buy plastic bottles) besides of more solid beauty products.
  • Read more: in 2018, I discovered again the joy of reading thanks to very good novels and personal coaching books. I’d like to pursue this path with more self-development and coaching books, and travel tips books!
  • Blog more: with all my travels and my new job, I may have written less than the usual. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love writing here! In 2019, I’d like to do my best to organise me better and publish a bit more, but still with the same pleasure!
  • Sort out things: thanks to a clothing sale and many donations, I already reduced my wardrobe a lot, but I think I can make more efforts. My challenge for 2019? Get away of all my unused electronics: I already sold two old iPhone, but I could sell other stuff I don’t use, just to give them another life and earn a bit of money! Plus, what’s the point in keeping them if I don’t use them?
  • Learn to dare: with my boyfriend, I surprised myself thinking of projet I wouldn’t have done before, dream about things I wouldn’t have thought that could be doable but mostly believe I was able to do them. This year, I intend to put my words into actions and believe in myself. Easier said than done, but writing it already helps 😉

Thank you for reading me until the end, and mostly for being there all 2018! I wish you a wonderful 2019 : believe in yourself, in your projects, don’t listen to bad voices and judgements, and go for what you love!

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