How your fashion blog can help you find a job

Let’s talk about blogging and jobs today ! For those who ignore it, I am actually in my graduation internship in Barcelona, and so very soon to be on the job market. And while looking for a job, I have never thought of hiding the fact that I am holding a fashion blog, nor on my curriculum, nor in a job interview. Why ? I give you all my reasons to mention your fashion blog in your job research in this article.

A blog is a constructive passion

More than a simple hobby, blogging is a passion that requires rythm (of publication), curiosity (towards trends, html code, etc.) and then a certain ambition and rigor. More than just a platform for your outfits of the day, a fashion blog is a hobby that teaches you a lot.

Blogging is learning professional skills

What I value while talking about my blog to a professional, is that it taught me a lot. Photography, html code, management of an editorial line, of a community, management of brand partnerships, publication constraints… I learned a lot during those 4 years of blogging, and it served me a lot for my professional experiences. For instance, I am currently in charge of the bloggers partnerships in my internship : I then know the speech to adopt to contact bloggers, and most of all who are the key influencers to target. During interviews, you should then always put forward those skills that are very useful for your professional life.

Always quote the figures of your blog

Quote brands with whom you have collaborated. Talk about the figures of your blog : number of followers, reach of the articles… We know that well, employers like concrete results (and that also proves you know what you’re doing well !). Furthermore, if you have good performances, it will surely impress and give you chances to stand out !

Be proud of your blog

I don’t tell you to brag about it, but you can be proud to hold a blog. A blog is a personal investment, of time, sometimes money, and holding one since years shows you have an ambitious soul and a very persevering mind. That the employer in front of you is receptive to that or not, don’t devalue yourself : no one can judge what he or she hasn’t done what you already did !


Bomber : Forever 21
Hat : New Look
Scarf & Bag : my mom’s closet
Skirt : Mango

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