Vintage working girl

Who said you couldn’t be chic in vintage ? Not me, duh ! You start to know me : vintage a true passion to me. I like to for very warm and multicolored winter pullovers, cashmere pullovers, colored leather jackets, evening dresses of another time, leather shoulder bags … It is necessary to know a bit about vintage, to search little, to spend time, to have a certain imagination, but with time integrated certain rules, vintage really turns out an enhancer of outfits. You can find all my tricks in my guide “how to buy in secondhand clothes shops“.

Here, it is the silk white shirt and the muslin that I found in a vintage store of the Born in Barcelone, Mi Vintage Label. I fell in love at once with its fluidity, its transparent sleeves, and the delicate details of small foam hearts. This piece, in spite of its age, remains anchored in a modernity, the modernity of chic.

Thus she can totally be worn at work, sleeves rolled up and neckline opened on multi ranges of necklaces. With Vintage, matches and accessories often make the difference !

By the way, I made you win the horn necklace on Instagram a while ago, to celebrate my 1K. I advise you to follow me here !


Jacket : H&M
Shirt : Mi Vintage Label
Jean : Pimkie
Bag : Sabrina
Boots : New Look
Dots necklace : Vaimoni
Gold horn necklace & Japanese coin necklace : Maria Pascual

Photos : Bénédicte Dupont

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